Author Topic: Which is the best option-Headphone volume up or Detector volume up ???  (Read 10285 times)

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Have a T2 with Predator headphones these of course come with not only a volume control but also a Stereo/Mono switch,a good combination in my mind,of course we all have our wn favourites as a result of different hearing qualities.

One thing i am not sure and would like some input on and that is what is the best option and even if it makes any difference at all.

When using say a set of headphones on a T2 or infact any detector that has variable volume control,is it better to adjust the volume on the detector higher and then reduce the overall volume on the headphones so they dont blast your ears out,or is it better to have the volume on the detector lower but increase the volume on the headphones to suit your listening needs.

Not sure if anything is gained in the quality of the audio using one or other option or maybe it makes no odds,i thought i read sometime back on the internet that one option gives you a slight advantage  over the other.Any ausio buff give any input on this one please.


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I personally have the machine volume control turned right up and control the volume from each earphone.   This works well for me but my detector is not a T2.


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I can see no advantage than saving a little battery power by using the headphones turned fully up ;)
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Set detector's volume on 50% output, set headphones volume on comfortable level for you


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I originally thought this may appear to be a stupid question,but some interesting answers are starting to appear,the reason i asked it was i read some article that one method just gave the optimum audio performance if that is the right wording,will give some of your input methods a try.

I use the Predator headphones for the main set of headphones,another set that i bought from Ebay which are my favorite ones but alas they dont have a volume control on them,xp wired headphones as backup and summer use,and of course my WS5 ones with my Deus.

But in theory the Predators from Crawfords are a very good make and not cheap either but i find that my cheaper 'Delta' headphones sound far superior and was wondering the reason why ??? think i may just buy another set of Delta headphones which these days do come with a volume control.

I am aware that not all headphones sound or perform the same due i guess to the quality of the components used but was also wondering if using the volume controls as mention above in a special order may have also had anything to do with it.

Will check and cross check on my 3 sets of headphones that i own.


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I personally have the machine volume control turned right up and control the volume from each earphone.   This works well for me but my detector is not a T2.

and I use Chefphones which are excellent.


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Think it has something to do with the detector amp output and the electrical values of the speakers involved.
At some detector volume settings, the weak signals do not have enough electrical energy to drive the speaker.
Sort of like a detectors threshold.
So I always read, you crank up the detectors volume to max when using the headphones, then adjust the volume at the headphone.
Your guaranteed you'll get full target output to the headset.

Also there may be a circuit split for volume output for the speaker and headphones. The amp output to the single control box (8 or 16 ohm) speaker will be pushing more volume, if the same volume is pumped to the headphones (32 to 300 ohm), could possibly damage hearing. So a resistor is placed from the amp to the headphone jack to reduce volume output suitable for headphones.  Another good reason to crank up the volume on the detector when using headphones and use the headphone volume controls.

In the end its what ever works for you and the type of headphones being used.
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Thanks again for the additional info,so i was right in saying the volume increase on the detector and regulate it on the headphones,i also plan on using this method on a 'Mirage' PI machine but i doubt that Sven has heard of one of those machines  :) :)


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....also plan on using this method on a 'Mirage' PI machine but i doubt that Sven has heard of one of those machines  :) :)

Thought about getting one myself
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