I originally thought this may appear to be a stupid question,but some interesting answers are starting to appear,the reason i asked it was i read some article that one method just gave the optimum audio performance if that is the right wording,will give some of your input methods a try.
I use the Predator headphones for the main set of headphones,another set that i bought from Ebay which are my favorite ones but alas they dont have a volume control on them,xp wired headphones as backup and summer use,and of course my WS5 ones with my Deus.
But in theory the Predators from Crawfords are a very good make and not cheap either but i find that my cheaper 'Delta' headphones sound far superior and was wondering the reason why

think i may just buy another set of Delta headphones which these days do come with a volume control.
I am aware that not all headphones sound or perform the same due i guess to the quality of the components used but was also wondering if using the volume controls as mention above in a special order may have also had anything to do with it.
Will check and cross check on my 3 sets of headphones that i own.