Civic Amenity, it is your legal right to have access provided by your local authority to park take in your hobby or pastime on local authority land, in its buildings for any legal activity. It was established by legal precedence and the local authorities were denied the right of appealing against the ruling.
Councils tend to try and ingnore requests and flim flam metal detectorists who ask to detect on the councils lands, they do not just own and manage parks, they own and manage farms, golf courses playing fields, school fields, wood lands foot paths bridle ways beaches and common land, they some times refere to the cutting of turf for burning as an excuse to deny permission but they have a legal duty to provide the public with a safe space to partake in their hobbies and pass times, they do not prevent golfers or allotment gardeners or tennis players footballers rugby players horse riders BMX cyclists, skate boarders athletes, swimmers photographers mothers groups childrens clubs scouts brownies girlguides or any other group from using their facilities lands and properties to stop metal detectorists is discrimination and it is illegal, you pay the same council tax and partake in a legally recognised pass time I suggest if you are being discriminated against you contact your MP and ask him to speak to the leader of your local council on your behalf, tell him you are trying to avoid taking legal action against the council for discrimination and he will get you a positive response, the more that do it the more councils will get themselves up to date and stop treating us as second class citizens who they believe are criminall inclined, their opinion of us is a disgrace.