I am totally amazed people keep asking what detector should I buy I have a budget of £***, before taking up the hobby buy the trade magazines look at the adverts for shiny bright new detectors, and also the second-hand machines, see what's out there, read the reviews look at the specifications, decide what areas you want to search as this will determine your choice of detector.
If you are new to this or any other hobby is it wise to run out and buy the most sophisticated equipment or metal detector not knowing whether you will take to the hobby or not? NO
Use your intelligence, if you get out there its cold wet muddy sometimes there is EMI or contaminated sites, getting permissions finding diddley squat to contend with so your latest toy becomes a curse destined for the loft while you look for the next big thing.
If your starting out one you need land to search on research getting a permission first, then buy a low to mid range second-hand machine try not to spend more than a couple of hundred pounds, get the manual, read it over and over till you can turn on your machine alter the settings to get the best performance from your detector, go on to your permission and search listen to the detectors responses regardless of what your finding, its called gaining experience! now during this honeymoon period you will find out if the hobby is for you or not, if it is then learn your craft and upgrade when you feel ready, if not sell your machine recoup most if not all of your financial out lay and move on to your next hobby.
Research sites your areas history it is part of the hobby and it starts from day one relying totally on others to do everything for you and giving you the fast answers means you are missing out on gaining your own knowledge and experience so when things do not go well you will know what to do instead of being left high and dry.