Hi all.
There's a trend I have noticed with MDs and their settings. It is very rare that I see people running machines at max, and it's common for sensitivity to be around 75% for a "stable search". Other settings are also commonly set high but well off the max and this seems to be normal. I have never seen a detectorist, on media or in the flesh say that he's running at 100% sensitivity, and maximum gains, full on everything etc.
With many European machines, say from Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria etc, it often seems the case that they appear to work best way off the high power settings. I have read articles about the primary design of these machines and the home market for hunting very deep relics from occupied territories during WW1 WW2. It's often stated that the design parameter means they run far better for UK hunting when they are toned way down to help with differentiating metals and to get more clear identification.
I found it a bit odd when I started the hobby that all the advice was "don't run it at max" or "80% is about right" or "you want to lower that a bit" etc etc. It seems that rarely, if ever, does a machine run well if you try and et 100% out of it. The best comparison I can make is stereo speakers. If you throw the volume to 10 the sound can distort, and the speakers start to vibrate and drive you mad. Turn it to 8 and it's still loud and proud but now it's clear and the music sounds like it's supposed to.
What are your thoughts, and experiences, of machines and settings from around the world, and do all machines have more power than they need to run properly, a bit like the Hi Fi speaker scenario?