Gary's Detecting forum > General detecting talk

Looking for a program for finding lead bullets

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Hi My Fellow TH'ers
Thank you for the suggestions. I am headed back to the site on Saturday and will see if swapping the program will do the trick. I had heard that if you lower the frequency that you will remove the lead targets. I was hoping that someone could confirm this after they had raised the frequency to increase the lead finds. I normally use one program until I see that the finds are not happening then will try a different program. I have used the Deus Deep program with some success. The sonar program seems to give a lot more targets which I do like. As for dropping reactivity to 2.5 I have mine set at 3. I will see about dropping it to 2.5 and see if that improves the finds. I dig all iron targets as there are many canon shell frags in the area, along with gun parts/tools. The site is a working farm so there are a lot of iron targets, nails, nuts and bolts but also a lot of household items as we have located a house site. Most everything we find are deep and do not give any VDI on the screen other than the double dash lines. I will provide a follow up response as soon as I can. Thank you one and all for your input thoughts and ideas! ;-) Stay safe and healthy! ;-) Dave

Hi All My Fellow TH'ers
OK, I did a couple of adjustments to the Sonar Program, I increased the Frequency to 54.0, dropped the Reactivity to 2.5, Increased the Audio Response to 4, increased the ground balance to 90, increased the Sensitivity to 97, increased the Iron volume to 1. The outcome was mixed, My finds were five flat buttons, two small pieces of camp lead, one large piece of lead, five new cents, one new dime, the top of a oil lamp with the wick adjuster, one brass rivet, and a mouth harp. Overall not bad but still concerned that I could not find a lead bullet. It was a suggestion on another site that I need to drop the frequency to 4 and that will get more bullets. We will give that a try in two weeks on my next TH. ;-)

 Overall not bad but still concerned that I could not find a lead bullet. It was a suggestion on another site that I need to drop the frequency to 4 and that will get more bullets.

Maybe there aren’t any bullets where you searched?The fact that you’re finding other targets which are not as loud as lead,suggests you may need to look elsewhere or keep on hammering away where you are.


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