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General detecting talk / Re: Finds few and far between..
« Last Post by The oil man on December 17, 2023, 02:35 pm »
Try again
General detecting talk / Finds few and far between..
« Last Post by The oil man on December 17, 2023, 02:34 pm »
But I did manage this horse pendant today.
Twas hard work with a cold and lots of aches 😤

I'm thinking it could be medieval unless anyone knows better ?
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors MS-2 headset.
« Last Post by Blue Angle on August 28, 2023, 01:12 pm »
Hi Everyone.
Just wondering if anyone can help … Well here goes I’ve been on everything on the internet and YouTube and forums but can’t seem to get help. I have a Garrett AT PRO and a set of MS-2 headphones the 2 pin type not the plug type, anyway my wires have come out on the wired side only 2 left on. I need them to detect this is my only hobby after a stroke, which has left me hard of hearing so I need my headset . If anyone has pictures or a diagram of where the wires should go please help . I can’t be the only person on the planet with a set of MS2. :'(
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by Keith67 on August 05, 2023, 07:54 pm »
The Rutus Versa is about to hit the market and is definitely worth a look.
It’s multi frequency has an id hodograph light weight,rechargeable,2 coils,telescopic and at around £800 it’s well priced.

The Alter 71 was a very good machine performance wise, just let down by weight and dodgy wireless headphone system, big clunky control box and no rechargeable battery.

The Versa looks to have addressed that, the Rutus hodograph is one of the best visual displays, very accurate. Will be interesting to se how their multifrequency platform performs

I think Rutus have the brains to make very good detectors, and they already have proved that.
I would love to see them get more financial backing.
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by DAN FOX on August 04, 2023, 09:50 pm »
The Rutus Versa is about to hit the market and is definitely worth a look.
It’s multi frequency has an id hodograph light weight,rechargeable,2 coils,telescopic and at around £800 it’s well priced.

The Alter 71 was a very good machine performance wise, just let down by weight and dodgy wireless headphone system, big clunky control box and no rechargeable battery.

The Versa looks to have addressed that, the Rutus hodograph is one of the best visual displays, very accurate. Will be interesting to se how their multifrequency platform performs
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by Metalurgy on August 04, 2023, 11:37 am »
The Rutus Versa is about to hit the market and is definitely worth a look.
It’s multi frequency has an id hodograph light weight,rechargeable,2 coils,telescopic and at around £800 it’s well priced.
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by Keith67 on August 02, 2023, 10:30 pm »

  Haven't been detecting for a few years and still have the Golden mask 4 TBH it's still a good machine with the 12 x 10 coil on board
  have there been any new machines worth a look at???

Hey Farty, good to hear from you.  Still have a GM 1+UK and don't think I would ever part with it. 
The Deus comes out the most because it's so light, but I had a barren day once when my mate with a GM1+UK had several nice bits, and as you know, it's swings and roundabouts whether you have a newer machine or an old favourite.

I still think that learning and understanding a machine is more important.

Good luck if you do decide to get a new one and get back on the fields, ergonomically most of the new ones now are very good indeed.
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by Gary on July 17, 2023, 07:35 pm »
It's good to see the old crew still together
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by Lodge Scent on July 17, 2023, 03:06 am »
If you are looking for something different, try one of the new multifrequency units. They have some definite advantages over the single frequency machnes.
General detecting talk / Re: New detectors
« Last Post by nailman on July 16, 2023, 07:31 pm »
Ancient Yorkshire proverb
If it isn’t broke don’t fix it
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