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General detecting talk / Re: Disappointing
« Last Post by LiamNolan on October 18, 2022, 08:04 am »
I had a VERY battered old Deus for many years from new and had enormous enjoyment and success, had the GMP before that which helped a smooth transition. Recently I bought an almost new Deus1 with HF coil and standard, had the cash for a D2 but not sure if there would be some teething issues. As is the case with ALL electronic devices I suppose.
Getting on great with Deus1 but will follow the feedback on the D2 and may buy one later on.
The hobby has seen an enormous rise in people assuming that spending more equals getting more and sadly that is not the case! Good detecting skills are a pre-requisite for success out on the fields and using a machine that you know inside out and on all ground and conditions.
A good day out detecting does not always mean having hammies etc in the finds pouch. Good buddies, banter, the great outdoors, decent historical land to attack and hopefully some decent finds all make up a good day out!
Patience and understanding go a long way in detecting and it certainly took ME a LONG time to get the most out of my Deus1. D2 will be a better machine no doubt, its just whether its presently worth laying out the cash, Liam   
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by The oil man on October 05, 2022, 05:47 am »
I haven't Mayhem but thanks for your thoughts.
I think finding them is sometimes easier than the identification  ::)
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by mayhem147 on October 05, 2022, 04:58 am »
Nicely done. Have you got an ID?

I can get as far as Canterbury mint and Henry III or John, but don't know which.
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by Keith67 on October 02, 2022, 02:06 am »
Hi Keith  :)

Yes mate Hex coil.

Really chuffed with the X mate ,this was a cracking little signal at about 4 inches 👍

Got the old Vista Smart in the back of the car as a spare ( he's actually in semi retirement but I haven't told him  ;D)

You been out much ?

It's lovely to get out away from the telly and all the bad news they keep on about 👍

haven't been out for months mate but hope to be back on it very soon.
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by The oil man on October 01, 2022, 05:47 pm »
Cheers Lodge  :)👍
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by Lodge Scent on October 01, 2022, 04:22 pm »
Good work Oily! That's a beauty.
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by The oil man on October 01, 2022, 09:57 am »
Hi Keith  :)

Yes mate Hex coil.

Really chuffed with the X mate ,this was a cracking little signal at about 4 inches 👍

Got the old Vista Smart in the back of the car as a spare ( he's actually in semi retirement but I haven't told him  ;D)

You been out much ?

It's lovely to get out away from the telly and all the bad news they keep on about 👍
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by Keith67 on October 01, 2022, 01:18 am »
Hi chaps  :)

I had a little go with the Vista X this afternoon and this little beauty popped up.

I'm really liking the cam locks, the iron volume and the headphone jack on the rear of the battery compartment.

I really didn't know what to buy but this is a worthy replacement for the Smart .

Hopefully I'm going on an organized dig on Sunday to put it through it's paces .

Hope you are all well..

What a cracker !  Well done Oily mate.
Nice machine the Vista x do you have the new hex coil?
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by rusty old bucket on September 30, 2022, 04:23 pm »
Nice finds Oily.. Good to see someone's out!
General detecting talk / Re: First Hammered falls to the Vista X
« Last Post by Oxgirl on September 30, 2022, 12:29 am »
Nice half!
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