Evening all,
I recently bought myself both a Deeptech Vista Smart and Gold Gain (I needed a second detector for when I couldn’t prise my Simplex from the other half’s hands). I couldn’t decide which one to go for, and having watched as many videos and reviews that I could find (that includes Gary’s

), I decided a Vista would suit my “Mr Crabtree” simplistic, old school way of thinking. As it happens, one of each came up at the same time and being as indecisive as I am, I bought both!

I have two permissions, both of which are pasture which, as far as I’m aware, have never been ploughed, and one of them I don’t think, has even been grazed for quite some time. Now, I’m fairly new to this modern style of metal detecting malarkey but I’m thinking that maximum depth could beneficial for this type of terrain, especially with long grass and tussocks robbing me of valuable inches. (Ooh err, missus!) Feel free to shoot me down if I’m mis-informed.
Now, to the crux of the biscuit... I can see from searching the forum that Vista’s were once popular on here so I was wondering if there are any Vista owners here who have had experience with either the 14” Epic or the 18” coil, and more specifically, which would be the ‘better’ coil for depth. I’m aware that the bigger coil wouldn’t necessarily be proportionately deeper, or the more sensitive. Also, which machine would be better suited for the bigger coil? i.e would the 30kHz Gold claw back some of the sensitivity to small targets that would normally be lost to a bigger coil, or would the Smart be a more natural choice?
...or, am I barking up entirely the wrong tree and should I be thinking about saving up for a more up to date, more expensive machine?
Any considered opinions gratefully received, and sorry for the epic amounts of waffle (well done if you’ve made it this far!).