Author Topic: Beaches - not delineated in purple- river sand bank areas - Scottish beaches  (Read 7769 times)

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Please would someone mind advising me what the situation is on the Crown Estates site of beaches etc., which are not delineated in purple?    Are these no-go areas, or free to detect areas?
Can someone please advise about the situation should a beach follow up a river bank area - some are delineated in purple?
I've tried to Google metal detecting in Scotland on their beaches but don't seem to be able to find the info.   The web sites seem to ignore what I'm trying to find!
Thanks chaps.   


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Quote rabert,   .... "I contacted the Crown Estate re the 'halt' on their Permit registration procedures.  They say they have "retired" their permit system while they address some technical difficulties with the registration process.   (????) - and can detect freely on foreshore and to read the conditions."

 I was under the impression you`d solved your uncertainty about detecting on beaches by the above ?

Crown estate managed beaches are marked in purple . Any other beaches  are not, if not marked in purple .
  I would go out on a limb and suggest that the majority of beach searchers do not go to any lengths to detect on beaches by obtaining permissions off crown permits . They simply just go.
 There are few if any one that will contest your presence as they havn`t the manpower to enforce this. I`ve detected on beaches for on and off 40 years and never once have I asked about crown permits and never once have I been approached and questioned by anyone while detecting on them . There just isn`t the manpower to send some one out walking around looking for some one detecting when they could be doing something much more useful and important enough other jobs ,and with the job cuts around today its even more unlikely to ever be enforced .
 There are a fair few on forums that have done beaches, and there are those who do next to no beaches, and the ones that are giving you advise are more likely than not the ones that havn`t done much beach work. But still persist in giving you useless information that really doesn`t apply in the real world.  Your newness to detecting can  be enlightened by the knowledge  that  If you decided to do beach work to just go ahead and do it. IF you did (highly unlikely) get approached by some jobs worth, the worst that could happen is that you`d simply be asked to stop.&  IF they could produce some paperwork to prove their validity of authority then and only then would you need to comply .  But again I say its highly, highly unlikely that you would ever be approached.
 If you do think you`d like to try beach work then my suggestion is just go ahead and do it, like most others do and don`t be afraid of the bogey man or scare mongers. Its not ever going to be in the bracket as if you`d be committing any terrible sin is it ?


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Hi Peter,
Can I thank you for your straightforward and honest reply.    Yes, it does put my mind at ease and makes me feel more confident that I won't get 'wrong'.     The Bogeyman bit does make sense,(lol)  but there's always one and that would probably be me!   I'd just smile sweetly and blush !  lol.
Do you know if it's the same situation for Scotland re beaches?   No map delineated in purple !!!      I guess your gonna tell me to go ahead and enjoy, and not worry too much.
Sorry to be a pest to everyone.   You've all taught me so much

I've been Googling the Minelab X Terra 705 (with extras) from Joan Allens.
Regards and ttfn


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Hi Peter,
Can I thank you for your straightforward and honest reply.    Yes, it does put my mind at ease and makes me feel more confident that I won't get 'wrong'.     The Bogeyman bit does make sense,(lol)  but there's always one and that would probably be me!   I'd just smile sweetly and blush !  lol.
Do you know if it's the same situation for Scotland re beaches?   No map delineated in purple !!!      I guess your gonna tell me to go ahead and enjoy, and not worry too much.
Sorry to be a pest to everyone.   You've all taught me so much

I've been Googling the Minelab X Terra 705 (with extras) from Joan Allens.

Regards and ttfn
Yes, it is an honest reply and its not cloaked in BS. Detecting is there to be enjoyed without shackling yourself with unnecessary tasks that very often are not enforced anyway,they are  just there to scare people off, a bit like no trespassing  signs on gates .I`m not in any way suggesting you trespass of course , but be aware that If you did go and get stopped and it was proved it was by an authority ,you just plead ignorance and politely agree to retreat.   Their not exactly going to haul you before the beak and throw the key away .     I`m confining this reference to beach work by the way, not land work.

The Minelab 705 (i`ve had two at various times) is a very good and able detector  But I would suggest you bought it second hand . They come a lot cheaper and  you wouldn`t have to fork as much money out in case you did decide detecting wasn`t your forté.
 BUT ,be advised ,even though it has a "beach mode" in all truthfulness it still doesn`t like wet salt beach work.(they don`t tell you that in the brochure) ;D  And usually turning the sensitivity down is a must to try and get it to any sort of stability in it.
 " Personally" If you was thinking of getting one ,I wouldn`t suggest a high kHz coil for beach work. Probably the 7.5 kHz .
 Ha Ha ,more headaches for you  .


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I hunt beaches exclusively and have done for the past 5 years.Just print of the crown estates page explaining their current status,at least that way you would have something to show somebody if you were ever approached.Like Peter said,just go out and start hunting the beaches......he is correct in what he says,you are very unlikely to ge pulled up by anyone,just make sure there are no signs at the entrance to the beach you intend to detect stating there is no metal detecting allowed.
I would strongly suggest that if beaches are going to be your main search areas you get a detector that is going to give you proper beach performance,the 705 is'nt one of them.You can get a used minelab safari for less than the 705 package and it is a top detector for the beaches and also great inland too.Please don''t waste your money on a single frequency detector for the beach unless you only intend to search the dry sand.You loose a lot of depth on the wet sand with a single frequency detector and depth on the wet sand is important if you want to find rings and deep coins.The only single frequency detector ive ever used that has good wet sand performance is the whites m6 which unfortunately is'nt made anymore,but multi frequency machines are the way to go and the safari is the cheapest option.


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Oh heck boys!    I feel a head ache coming on!   :'( :'(  Thanks for your help.    I just want to try and get things right and you are really all giving me such good guidance.   I'm in no rush so I will look at the 'things' you suggest. :)

So..... is Scotland beach detecting the same?       



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Oh heck boys!    I feel a head ache coming on!   :'( :'(  Thanks for your help.    I just want to try and get things right and you are really all giving me such good guidance.   I'm in no rush so I will look at the 'things' you suggest. :)

So..... is Scotland beach detecting the same?       


 I`d say the info your looking for should be found in this link.


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 :) :) :)Thanks Peter.    I've just been paging through 189 pages of the first link!     -     to read , learn and inwardly digest!    Thanks for the second link.   It looks 'easier'.    Your help is appreciated.   I shall take a look at it now.
I shall also look at the other metal detectors (or mental defectors) that you suggested.



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Hi Peter,

Many thanks for the link.   I've copied and pasted parts of it.    Very kind of you.   
At one stage I was taken direct to another forum -     what a difference in tone and language !!!


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Gonzo suggested a detector which in its own right is a very good detector especially for what would suit you I think. The Whites M6. Very able on beach work ,and can do well inland. Kevin in Staffordshire detectors has an Ex display model going very reasonable on his Ebay selection. >>> eBay item number:361845205515. That would suit you down to the ground I think and the price isn`t overly too much ,to take a chance on you liking it. Gotta be worth checking this detector out.??


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Hi Peter,
How strange : but I have just seen the detector on E bay - ex demo for £285 and I was coming on the forum to ask peoples' advice about it.    Is ex demo ok?  It won't be worn out and scruffy??       To be honest, I don't understand the difference between this one and the Minelab X Terra 705 ??   (but then I wouldn't)!
Thanks for your time and guidance.   My bro in law thinks metal detecting on the beach is a fab idea.   There will be me with a detector, not knowing a thing, and a few 'blokes' walking along side like minders.


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The M6 will out perform the Minelab on the beach anyday
Experienced button digger
XP Deus
Insurance company's are warning campers if your tent is stolen during the night you won't be covered


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Hi Nailman,

Is the M6 detector equally good on land?



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Ive owned two m6's and used the last one i owned exclusively on the beach.The m6 is a fantastic detector on the beach and on is by far the best single frequency detector for the wet sand.It is an extremely easy detector to use but its performance is still up there.The only reason i got rid of mine was to get a dedicated beach machine,ie fully waterproof which incidently is another whites machine.
The coil that comes with the machine is a great allrounder and also and the best coil for the beach.If however you wanted to try different coils in the future,the m6 is supported by a great range.
I found loads of stuff on the beach with mine and loads of stuff on the land including small hammered coins.
Great detector.