Gary's Detecting forum > General detecting talk

Do you gain anything by reducing a detectors sweep speed ???

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Small signals could be "swallowed" and you will hear almost nothing (even in headphones), if you keep swinging at high rate. Trashy sites are also to be hunted with the lowest rate.

Interesting post, which has certainly given me food for thought!

--- Quote from: coenwolf on August 14, 2015, 12:42 pm ---i can remember watching someone at a rally once literally whipping his machine as he walked ,and the coil was only in detection range for a micro second of each sweep .takes all sorts  ::)

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I think I've seen the same bloke, or maybe it was his brother.
He's usually the one that leaves the rally within 2 hours of it starting, F'in and Blindin' that there's nothing there. LOL

Nigel is right ... "slow & low" ... but don't tell everyone.


--- Quote from: coenwolf on August 14, 2015, 12:42 pm ---i can remember watching someone at a rally once literally whipping his machine as he walked ,and the coil was only in detection range for a micro second of each sweep .takes all sorts  ::)

--- End quote ---

Some years ago there was a chap at MMDC digs who used to swing his machine as though he was conducting the Berlin Phil. It went everywhere except near the ground. Never found anything of course and always complaining about that.

Isn't their a difference between response speed and recovery speed?


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